Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Leonardo Anfolsi Reiyo Zenji

Anfolsi Leo is a master of contemporary meditation teaches the meditative and the keys to improve the quality of life and to crown his personal research. And Master of Zen Buddhism in the tradition of the Rinzai school, according to the lineage of the Masters and Yamada Mumon Engaku Taino. In April 1981 he was ordained as "Reiyo" and in 2001 was designated as the Master. It 's still minister of the same tradition and is recognized as such by the Italian State. He has carried out organizational activities at the Italian Buddhist Union, the organization that is against the Italian State the different traditions of Buddhism in Italy. The 22 ° Gomo Tulku Lama Sonam Rinchen, a blind person highly respected by Tibetan Buddhists of all schools, Leo Anfolsi recognized as the current incarnation of a hermit master of the past. Franco Battiato, the famous composer, has published a book of 87 Leo Anfolsi precious necklace in the "Eighth" and personally prepared, which includes fourteen titles, all spiritual matters. The book of Leo Anfolsi is the ninth among those of Gurdjieff, Schwaller De Lubicz, Soseki, Ampat Ba, Al Qadir Jilani.Viaggiatore to expand its human experience have been learned from masters of all ethnicities, with whom he practiced techniques and rituals , dealt with withdrawals and shared experiences very intense. Among them are Namkhai Norbu, Tenzin Namdak and the XIV Dalai Lama, Adam fortunate Eagle of the Sioux Lakota Indian Balnath Baba, Michael Barnett and Douglas Harding from England. http://www.leoanfolsi.it/


  • Banananda, the 'Eighth Franco Battiato
  • Zen Koan, the key Pure heaven, publisher Venexia

Monday, February 9, 2009

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From Lead to Gold - Alchemy as a way of inner transformation

L 'inner alchemy was the theme last Thursday February 5 by the researcher Turin Salvatore Brizzi and organized by the Cosmos at the Gates' Officina 49 Cesena.
Brizzi has the ability to handle a subject as tightly as the 'inner alchemy in a simple and direct, giving the interpretation that can resonate with people so they can then begin what is the true path of self-initiation of awakening .
The practice is not limited to a few minutes of meditation, but in the totality of everyday life that makes us understand if you have chosen the path of inner awakening based on 'power of our hearts, love.
Life is the real gym workout, is learn how to ask the face of obstacles and difficulties, how we fail to act instinctively, but turning those moments into energy for ourselves and for the 'universe.
Salvatore Brizzi teaches courses in "Awakening of Consciousness" in Italy, available on http://officinaalkemica.altervista.org/conferenze.htm

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Salvatore Brizzi

Salvatore Brizzi is an expert in Alchemy transformative and teaches courses in "Awakening of consciousness" in various cities, and he intends to alchemy as an art and a street leading to the psychological transformation of individuals. Through his work as a writer and lecturer, actively participates in the work of dissemination of esotericism, specifically focusing on Alchemy and Advaita Vedanta. He is a past editor of the esoteric magazine "Antipodes" and founded in Turin - esoteric city par excellence - a publishing house, Editions Antipodes ( http://www.antipodiedizioni.com/ ), whose main objective is dissemination of its ancient teachings to facilitate the evolution of the human interior.
Its training and education includes: the Fourth Way of Gurdjieff, the works of HP Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, the application of Gospels, Zazen meditation, Advaita Vedanta.
Brizzi contemplates the new advent of a traditional society where the "sacred" will again be a part of everyday life of everyone. "New Advent" does not mean "return" in a traditional society, which would mean a step backwards compared to the current situation. The "sense of the sacred" will again be present, accompanying the development of cultural and technological world.
  • "Workshop Alkemia - Alchemy as a way to unconditional happiness" - 2006 Soul Publishing
  • "The Gate of the Magician - Magic as a way of liberation" - 2007 Editions Antipodes
  • "Remaking Italy - Spirit of the Laws apply to politics and society" - 2008 Antipodes Editions
  • "Awakening - the exercises of the ancient esoteric schools" - 2008 Edition Soul